Thursday, May 28, 2009

Types of hair loss

Whether we are male or female, young or old, all of us lose a bit of hair every day. We may find lose up to 10 percent of our hair for every two to three months. Varying in between two to six years, new hair grows, and other hair falls out because they have reached the end of their life cycle. The proof for the hair loss for your hair can be observed if you look at your hairbrush or comb every day. Though some people lose a bit more hair than ‘normal’, this can affect both men and women.
Causes of hair loss

The reasons to why someone may lose hair higher than normal amounts are varying. It could be hormonal – relating to the thyroid or the male or female hormones may be out of balance. One reason for some people may lose hair is some months after they have experience an illness or major surgery. The period when some women may experience more hair loss than normal is after delivering a child or baby– the reasons for this is hormones returning back to their normal levels.
Medicines to treat

The medicines such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), those used to treat gout, chemotherapy, contraceptive pills and some antidepressants are some medicines that may also cause hair loss. Too much vitamin A can also direct to a loss of hair. Diseases that may not have been diagnosed are also the causes for Hair loss, such as Lupus or diabetes, so any remarkable hair loss is always best to get checked out by your physician.
Other causes

The problem in treating the hair or looking after the hair can also lead to hair loss. A form of Alopecia (the general term referring to hair loss) can be formed if someone has their hair tied up often (pig tails or cornrows), or even if they use tight hair rollers on a regular basis, due to the constant pull on their hair. This pulling can cause a type of scarring and in the long term could source permanent hair loss. Also, prolonged use of hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in treating curling hair may cause swelling of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and lead to hair loss.
Male and Female pattern baldness

Then of course, there are the more common or well-known types of hair loss – male pattern baldness – which is more often than not inherited. The symptom for this type of hair loss usually starts off with a receding hairline and baldness eventually appearing on top of the head.

Female version of this type of Alopecia, women may also suffer whereby the hair becomes thin over their entire scalp.
Hair loss can be reversed

Hair loss can be reversed, either by changing medication, balancing hormones, and letting nature take it’s own course in some of the forms of hair loss mentioned above. Male or female pattern baldness cannot be reversed – though there are always people who claim to be able to make hair grow back. These types of claims should always be treated doubtfully until they can be definitely proved.

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