Thursday, May 28, 2009

Female Hair Loss

Female hair loss, for a woman, can be devastating. However, it is not as talked about as their male counterparts hair loss. There are varieties of things that cause the hair loss that are very common among women. Why it occurs and how to prevent it are the questions that will provide you with the necessary information to understand hair loss and to find ways to prevent it from occurring.
Estrogen – main cause

Estrogen is one of the main reasons for experiencing of hair loss in women. If the estrogen in one’s body reduces to down, it causes the other areas of the body to stop producing as much. Along with other places in the body this includes the hair and scalp. You can suppose to experience hair loss from the change, if you don’t have enough estrogen in your body. The body will not be able to produce sufficient hormone or the nutrients needed for hair production.

Genetics in the female are considered to be another reason why female hair loss may take place. If by hereditary reasons, if you had hair loss or thinning, then you will be more likely to have female hair loss, as well. This is especially imminent after you grow older and are not producing as much protein as much protein in your body.
Changes in Nutrient levels

Changes in the body that affect the levels of nutrients to change are a fact that attributes to female hair loss. Female Hair loss will occur usually, when a diet that does not have the proper amount of nutrients. A temporary female hair loss can occur due to a high protein diet. There are also a number of diseases that women can acquire that will cause to the problem. If you are suffering with female hair loss, you may want to determine why you are losing the hair. There could be an underlying medical condition. These medical conditions will be temporary and can be solved with understanding how to change the balance in your body.
Affect of coloring, highlighting and cosmetics

There are other general factors what many people believe that produce female hair loss. Some people say that coloring your hair, highlighting it or using a variety of extra styling cosmetics often cause hair loss. However, this is confirmed to not be true, as it only affects the external part of the hair. While it may cause the defense of the hair to not be as effective, it usually doesn’t affect the roots and will ultimately grow out.
Don’t feel loneliness!

You should not treat you as alone if you are a woman who is experiencing female hair loss. The reason for thinning of hair for women was having a variety of factors that relate to hair loss. If you are suffering with hair loss, there are a variety of places that can help you establish if this is a problem and find ways to get help before it gets out of control. At the same time, it is significant to recognize what is not linked to hair loss. This will help you in deciding how you should take care of your hair and your health.

Types of hair loss

Whether we are male or female, young or old, all of us lose a bit of hair every day. We may find lose up to 10 percent of our hair for every two to three months. Varying in between two to six years, new hair grows, and other hair falls out because they have reached the end of their life cycle. The proof for the hair loss for your hair can be observed if you look at your hairbrush or comb every day. Though some people lose a bit more hair than ‘normal’, this can affect both men and women.
Causes of hair loss

The reasons to why someone may lose hair higher than normal amounts are varying. It could be hormonal – relating to the thyroid or the male or female hormones may be out of balance. One reason for some people may lose hair is some months after they have experience an illness or major surgery. The period when some women may experience more hair loss than normal is after delivering a child or baby– the reasons for this is hormones returning back to their normal levels.
Medicines to treat

The medicines such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), those used to treat gout, chemotherapy, contraceptive pills and some antidepressants are some medicines that may also cause hair loss. Too much vitamin A can also direct to a loss of hair. Diseases that may not have been diagnosed are also the causes for Hair loss, such as Lupus or diabetes, so any remarkable hair loss is always best to get checked out by your physician.
Other causes

The problem in treating the hair or looking after the hair can also lead to hair loss. A form of Alopecia (the general term referring to hair loss) can be formed if someone has their hair tied up often (pig tails or cornrows), or even if they use tight hair rollers on a regular basis, due to the constant pull on their hair. This pulling can cause a type of scarring and in the long term could source permanent hair loss. Also, prolonged use of hot oil hair treatments or chemicals used in treating curling hair may cause swelling of the hair follicle, which can result in scarring and lead to hair loss.
Male and Female pattern baldness

Then of course, there are the more common or well-known types of hair loss – male pattern baldness – which is more often than not inherited. The symptom for this type of hair loss usually starts off with a receding hairline and baldness eventually appearing on top of the head.

Female version of this type of Alopecia, women may also suffer whereby the hair becomes thin over their entire scalp.
Hair loss can be reversed

Hair loss can be reversed, either by changing medication, balancing hormones, and letting nature take it’s own course in some of the forms of hair loss mentioned above. Male or female pattern baldness cannot be reversed – though there are always people who claim to be able to make hair grow back. These types of claims should always be treated doubtfully until they can be definitely proved.

Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss! Possible causes for this or poor condition of the hair can comprise hormonal changes, inherited male pattern baldness, an under active thyroid gland a long protracted illness and explicit types of skin infections.

Hair loss can also occur due to other factors that include stress, contraceptive pill, steroids, antibiotics and barbiturates. Hair and Scalp can also be adversely affected when you use Cancer drugs and radiotherapy treatment.
Symptoms of hair loss include

* Losing more hair than usual
* Your hair coming out in bunches
* Bald patches appearing on your scalp
* Poor condition of the hair, which is manifested by a dull, dry or coarse texture.

To prevent or help to cure hair loss there are various cures, and these include

Flowing of the extra blood to the scalp is the function of this and assisted by a whole-food and exercise regime. Blood flow to the area can be improved by massage to the scalp and removing toxins. According to experts, Nervous tension hormonal balances, which are related to stress and stress related conditions are out of sync etc, seem to affect the hair adversely and applying naturopathy can produce excellent results.
Vitamins and Minerals

To help in reducing hair loss it is thought that better to reduce the animal fat in the diet as a high intake of high fat substances are thought to weaken the hair follicles. It is advisable to maintain or increase the consumption of essential fatty acids. These can be found in salmon, herrings, tuna, sardines, and cold pressed plant oils. The excellent sources of these types of essential fatty acids are products that contain wholegrain, nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados.

To help give strength to the weakened hair, Burdock root can be used. It is massaged into the scalp after once boiled in water and can also be used as a rinse. Nettles can also be used, and are suggested for their cleansing and toning qualities. Nettles also build an excellent source of nourishment when eaten.

Another excellent treatment for hair loss is use of specific essential oils. These include Pimiento, clary, sage and horseradish. Aromatherapy oils can easily solve hair loss problems.

For hair loss, premature baldness and grey hair, Homeopathy medication such as Lycopodium can be taken.
Other Therapies

Yoga, t’ai chi and relaxation, which are stress-beating therapies, are all proven methods of beating hair loss and other hair problems. Stress-beating therapies may be all that is needed to reduce the problem since stress is probably one of the worst offenders for causing hair loss.
Medical Treatment

Medical Treatment includes dietary advice, vitamin supplements, and hair replacement treatments and therapies. These of course would depend on the specific needs of the patient involved.
Prevention of hair loss includes

* Avoiding treatments that weaken your hair such as specific types of perming solutions, heated rollers, hair straighteners and aggressive hair shampoos etc.
* Taking a healthy diet
* Using gentle natural hair products and preparations

Hair Loss Remedy

Taking care of your hair is one aspect you have to look into if you are thinking of possibilities for preventing hair loss. It is connected to a variety of factors, such as genetics, diet, or disease. For a longer period of time this will assist your hair to remain healthy.
Natural resources

Making sure to receive your hair the right amount of nutrients is the first way in which you can take care of. To prevent your hair loss and help looking your hair healthier zinc, protein and other natural resources are used. In order to make sure that your hair stays thicker and healthier maintaining a balanced diet will also help. The beauty of your remaining body can be observed in the way the hair looks. This ensures to take care of your body in order to prevent hair loss.
Cleanliness of your hair loss

By Another way in which you can take care of your hair effectively is to make sure that you are remaining it balanced with cleanliness. You should not wash your hair less than once a week, although it is recommended that not wash your hair more than once a day. With the proper washings it will allow the dirt and oils to come out of the hair. In order to permit for protection, it will also allow nutrients to move through the hair. Consider using a softer type of shampoo or one that has specific medication, if you have a sensitive scalp to help your hair.
Don’t style your hair negatively

Another way to help prevent hair loss is to make sure that you don’t style it in a way that will influence it negatively. For instance, blow-drying your hair is identified to affect the cuticles that defend the hair. In order to prevent damage, you should use the heat level on low if you have to blow dry you hair. When you hair is damp or dry you should learn to style your hair. This will prevent hair loss by not putting as much stress on your hair. When your hair is wet, it will be easier for it to stretch and break.
Different products

The different kinds of products that you are putting in your hair are another consideration. Some of the hair products will contain extra chemicals that can be harmful while most hair products that are used for dying hair are known to be safe. This will cause leave your hair exposed by losing the protective layer. Over time, this will cause your hair to be lost easily.
Balance with nutrients and cosmetics

When looking into ways to care for your hair, it is vital to keep your hair balanced cosmetically as well as with nutrients. This will affect in preventing hair loss over a longer period of time in you. It will also allow your hair to continue healthier, thicker and better looking. It will give provide you with the proper tools for prevention of hair loss by finding what affects your hair and how it affects.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Common Used Hair Removal Methods

Body Hair Removing Facts and Usually Used Hair Removing Methods

Hair is a part of your body and your life. You love them if they are on proper place i.e. On head but you abhor them if they are on the undesired area like arms, legs, armpits, face, pubic areas, bikini lines, back and lots more. Essentially it isn’t such a massive problem for men. But yes now even they are inclined towards these methods.

The frequently used techniques are shaving, tweezing, waxing, sugaring and using creams. All these methods are temporary so they give you the non permanent relief from unwanted hair. You want to repeat them as frequently as required. But being the less expensive methods of removing hair they’re preferred by majority of the people.

There are some other methods too which are quite used if you really want to go for the permanent solution the unwished-for hair. Electrolysis and laser technology are most ordinarily employed in this area. The working of these strategies relies on wiping out the follicle without damaging the skin.

Permanent hair removal with Laser Beams

Electrolysis was extremely preferred way to get rid of hair from the body but it had few drawbacks as well like it was very lengthy and burdensome. So to beat such drawbacks a new technology came into the world laser technology. The laser rays employed in this were more effective on the larger areas along with giving the better and permanent results.

Be it any problem you wish to have a permanent solution for it. So permanent hair removal is preferred by many but it requires many sittings in the salon and also its awfully dear treatment which not everybody can afford.

But now you can escape yourself from the repeated visits in the salon and get all this in a cheaper way. One of the finest inventions of human brains suggests that now you can get the removal of unwelcome hair at home only by investing only once.

Rio Scanning Laser is the new revolution in the hair removing products market with the idea of removing hair permanently at home.

Removing hair from genital and pubic area

Pubic hair is really a nuisance in your body. After removing those hairs you may feel what you were missing all today. Today you will find many people who go for pubic hair removal. There can be different reasons for every one many a times it is for hygienic issues. You also want to remove pubic hair if you’re a frequent visitor at a public swimming pool.

Generally people shave their pubic hair that may leave razor bumps or rashes. And now with so many products launched in the market you can remove your pubic hair pretty easily today. Some of the well-liked products which are used for this are Ultra Hair Away, Hair No More and Ingrow Go.

Restrict the hair expansion with a hair inhibitor

Hair inhibitor solutions are currently the favorites after hair removal. Many at time you look for lotions after hair removing to make your skin smooth and restrict the growth of hair. This lotion can help you to achieve this. This hair inhibitor solution inhibits the hair growth and slowly it reduced it to minimum hair volume. It can also cahnge the color and texture of your hair. You will get the fine and light coloured hair like what you had when you were a baby.

Ultra Hair Away is one of the hottest products in this class. Due to its unique properties it’s also known as “baldness in a bottle”. You can make yourself from all the painful and pricey techniques of removing hair with this hair removing product. This solution uses enzyme technology to restrict the hair growth.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Treating Acne with a better diet

Acne is a common skin condition that can have many forms. Generally, acne refers to the medical term acne Vulgaris and is caused by bacteria. If you’re having trouble keeping your acne under control, a few lifestyle and diet changes could be an important step for improving your skin, healthy diet and lifestyle play an important role in the look and behavior of your skin cells.

Acne usually appears on the face but can also appear on the neck, chest, back, shoulders and upper arms. The acne being in boys and girls between the ages of 8 and 11, it usually results in a very severe case of acne as a teenager. Teens aren’t the only age group concerned about acne. In fact many adults are searching for information about acne treatments, acne products, acne prevention, and acne solutions and its cause.

The skin needs essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals to stay healthy, and a lack of nutrition can negatively impact the way your skin functions on a day to day basis. However, vitamins and minerals are needed for the health of the skin, our hormonal balance, and a strong immune system, so it’s important to make sure you’re at least getting the recommended daily allowance of vitamins. Weak or damaged skin is more vulnerable to acne breakouts, blemishes, scarring and several other skin conditions. Eating diet full of nutrient-rich foods may help improve the skin.

Essential vitamins for acne sufferers: Eating wholesome foods means the body can absorb more nutrients per serving, and easily process and assimilate the vitamins and minerals it needs.

Vitamin A: a fat-soluble vitamin that can strengthens the skin, improve the rate of skin cell production, protect skin from toxins, and even give your immune system a boost. Vitamin A is stored in the fat cells of the human body and can reach toxic levels. But over dosage of vitamin A is harmful.

Vitamin B: a valuable addition to your stress-reducing regiment, B vitamins are all important for healthy skin tone, though several are recommended for acne sufferers. It can really help clear up existing acne breakouts and improve the texture and tone of your skin. Include more of leafy vegetables and milk to the diet.

Vitamin E: a common ingredient in today’s anti-aging beauty products, Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that is excellent for speeding up the healing process, due to its antioxidant capacity. It also helps with the absorption of vitamin A and can reduce the risk of skin damage and protects your cells. Foods include broccoli, peanuts, sunflower seeds and wheat germ.

Tea Tree Oil: It has natural anti-inflammatory properties and helps sooth and treat problem skin. It is used to help tighten pores and firm skin for a more youthful, healthy appearance.

Zinc: another powerful antioxidant, zinc helps protect the immune system and can ward off allergies, colds and viruses. Zinc is an important mineral that has helped control pimples and improving overall health. It can lead to clear skin and fewer breakouts, just add more nuts, whole grains and eggs to your diet for an ample supply of zinc.

The gentle treatment for acne scars

For the millions of acne sufferers spread across the globe, clear skin is the ultimate goal. For the smoothest looking skin possible, a method called dermaplaning, that’s a controlled scraping of the skin’s top layers, is used to treat acne scars and removal of facial hair. Both men and women of all ages can benefit from dermaplaning. And the potential effectiveness of treatment depends on skin type, skin coloring and medical history.

Dermaplaning is an aggressive form of microdermabrasion that helps resurface the skin while increasing collagen production. The idea is that the process removes damaged and scarred skin, allowing new, healthy, and smooth skin to grow in its place. In addition to smoothing out the skin and reducing the appearance of acne scars, dermaplaning can help eliminate unwanted hair around the face and leave the skin looking smoother and younger. If you’ve been suffering from acne scars or an uneven skin tone, you may be a good candidate for the dermaplaning procedure.

How the procedure goes:

Dermaplaning can be done as a stand-alone treatment or in conjunction with other procedures. By skimming off peach fuzz and with the extra exfoliation it provides, dermaplaning enhances the effectiveness of other skin care treatments, and helps with product penetration. The simple procedure is performed by gently moving a scalpel which is like an electric razor over surface layers of the face to remove fine facial hair and to ex-foliate the skin. Whether the procedure is to be performed on the entire face or a small area also determines the length and the depth of the procedure, it can be performed for a few minutes or hours and can be performed as a single or a series of procedures.

Objectives of dermaplaning:

* The treatment can be used for the removal of unwanted facial hair and acne scars.
* The procedure can be used for ‘freshening up’ a patient’s face.
* In other cases, dermaplaning may be used for reducing the appearance of crater-like features left by severe acne. By skimming away the surrounding skin, the noticeable difference between the area levels is evened out, thus lessening the overall effect of the defect with the dermaplaning process.

Get rid of sun spots with Fraxel laser

Sun spots are those spots that appear on your skin when you start aging. When sunbathing is part of your warm-weather routine, you are putting yourself at risk for developing sun spots, also known as livers spots. In fact they are the product of excessive sun exposure from some time ago. The sun spots appear after age 40 in people who have light skin but they are more likely to appear in the general population after age 50. These spots are usually found on the forearms, neck, chest and the back of the hands – anywhere that receives an extra dose of sunshine. To get rid of these sun spots with a fresh looks, the most effective treatment is Fraxel laser.

The Fraxel laser treatment is a new procedure that can rejuvenate the skin and erase both old and new scars and that can help remove sun spots and improve the texture and tone of the skin. Fraxel appeals to those who want the power of traditional resurfacing methods and those who are looking for a more effective result than might forgotten with non-ablative techniques. Fraxel is an ideal treatment for today’s busy individuals seeking to improve their appearance without the long healing process normally associated with other invasive procedures.

Fraxel laser works by penetrating the skin at its deepest layers and breaking down the damaged skin cells and tissue. After creating trauma in the treatment area, the skin begins to repair itself and heal, this generates fresh new cells and eliminates the appearance of sun spots and other patches of skin pigmentation for a fresher appearance. Some of the other laser skin resurfacing technologies include:

-Erbium Laser – this intensive laser helps remove the top layer of skin completely to reveal a fresher layer underneath, which can also reduce fine lines, wrinkles and acne scars to leave you with fresher, more radiant skin.

-CO2 Laser – a high intensity laser treatment that can also be used to treat skin cancer and dark pigmentation.

Male Laser Hair Removal - A Growing Trend

Hair Removal For Men - A Growing Movement

More and more men are going for laser hair removal. Even 5 years ago, it was the third most sought after non-surgical cosmetic procedure

sought by men and has become acceptable by society to the point that it is almost a fad now. Even back then, it might surprise you to know that an estimated twenty five percent of the ‘laser hair removal’ customers were men. Over the years, male laser hair removal has become safer and more reliable . Technological advancements have made it a lasting solution for those that just don’t like all the fuzz.

You can see why when you look at the alternates:

** Waxing as a hair removal method calls for spreading hot wax onto the area you would like to do away with hair, and then putting on a strip of cloth or muslin onto the desired area, warming it up by rubbing, and pulling off the strip in one quick action — wax, hair, root, and all. Waxing is effective enough but lasts only for three to four weeks, but is a perpetual process.

** Shaving delivers the obvious problem of reach. All though razors exist for just this purpose, it’s nearly out of the question to shave your own back, and it can be even more embarrassing to find somebody to do it for you.

** Electrolysis involves slipping a needle into one hair follicle one at a time, destroying each with an electric current. Electrolysis works for small areas but is more for those with light-haired hair or dark skin.

** Tweezing - Well, I think I’d give up after half an eyebrow.

As you are able to see, none of these are long-lived and a real time consumers. Only laser hair removal for men allows for a permanent solution to unwanted hair.

Male laser hair removal used to be only beneficial for those of light skin and dark hair. While this is still the most successful type of candidate, even read heads and blonds can enjoy the benefits with Intense Pulsed Light Devices. The primary areas that men treat with laser include the face, shoulders, back and chest. And sense you’re imagining it all ready - Yes, the genital area also. When somebody says “full Brazilian” a woman might be the first thing you imagine , but increasingly men are getting it done also whether it is for there woman or as a couple to zest up their sex life. Your second thought might be “Damn! Don’t that hurt?” but like stated earlier, advances in technology has made laser hair removal virtually painless and doesn’t require anesthesia or pain medication in most cases.

Male laser hair removal is handled a cosmetic surgery professional in a medical facility . The same way as its done to a woman. The area that is being treated will determine how long the session will last. The shoulders may take 15 minutes while the whole back might take an hour or more. The area needs to be shaved and cleaned. The doctor may then apply a cooling cream or topical anesthesia before using the laser instrument. Light pulses will then be fired at hundreds of hair follicles at the same time. The heat form the laser will damage the roots and cause the hair to fall out in a matter of days usually, weeks in some cases. Even then, depending on the coarseness of the hairs and the area, you’re dealing with an average of 4 - 6 visits to see real results and upwards of 15 treatments for completion. Each visit might set you back anywhere from $250 to the $500 mark.

Mild inflammation and puffiness on the treated area for a couple of days is about the only side effect of laser hair removal for men during which time you’re advised to avoid exposure to the sun for best results. Laser hair removal is the most cost-efficient method of getting rid of unwanted hair for good in the long run. The best advice I can give is that you seek a certified and experienced cosmetic surgeon. They will be able to get it done quicker with a smaller risk of side effects, even though they may charge more.

Shaving and Depilatories

Hair removal is considered by most people as a “cosmetic” issue. But aside from common belief, hair removal can often come as a medical requirement for cases like general surgery, skin graft procedures, ingrown hairs, especially eyelashes and a variety of other conditions. More often than not, changes in the patterns of hair growth are symptoms of serious conditions like glucose intolerance or hormonal imbalances.

Most cultures have an ideal amount of hair for males and females. Usually, hair that exceeds this ‘aesthetic standard’ causes problems, whether perceived or real, with a person’s acceptance by society. Therefore, controlling the growth or removing the unwanted hair goes further than being a simple “cosmetic” issue.

Methods Of Hair Removal - Temporary Methods

Hair can be removed through either depilation, which is the removal of part of the hair above the skin’s surface, or by epilating, which is the removal of the whole hair. For many clients, using these temporary methods at regular intervals is adequate.

Shaving - This method is the most preferred way for removing hair. This is because it is very affordable, easy, fast, painless and has minimal side effects. Shaving is very safe and can be done at home or almost anywhere. The downside is that it doesn’t last for long. In shaving, a sharpened metal blade or razor cuts off the hair at the skin’s surface. The effects of shaving are very short-term, ranging from a few hours to several days. People with darkly pigmented hairs may have a visible “shadow” of dark hair under their skin. This often requires daily removal. Shaving can also result in skin irritation and cuts. For a few, it is known to cause ingrown hairs especially in the bikini area of women and facial hairs of African-American men. Also, shaving blades require regular replacement. A good shave also needs other products such as shaving creams, gels and before and after-shave products. Blades also differ. There are blades with non-disposable handles that use replaceable blade cartridges. There are also disposable razors designed to be thrown out after a number of uses or when the blade gets dull. A safety razor is a double-bladed razor intended to reduce the possibility of nicks or cuts. The myth that shaving makes the hair grow thicker or faster has been busted in 1928 yet continues to persist until today.

Cream depilatory - Another way of removing hair is by using cream depilatories. This method is quite common but not as popular as shaving. This is because a number of its consumers say that it can cause mild to serious skin irritation and even chemical burns. With this method, the cream contains a chemical that is designed to dissolve the hair it comes in contact with. Cream depilatories are inexpensive and fast. They are often painless, although some may result in a mild tingling or burning sensation. Depilation can be done at home or anywhere. Its disadvantages are like those of shaving. The effects are short term, ranging from a few hours to several days and can also result in the dark ’shadow’ of hair under the skin. The procedure often requires repetition every couple of days or so. These products also cause cuts and irritations and which can be severe if mistakenly applied on the eye area or other mucous membranes.

Sugaring Hair Removal

Sugaring hair removal is similar to waxing but unlike waxing, does not involve heating the substance that is applied to your skin.

Like waxing, sugaring hair removal can be painful and it tends to offer similar results to waxing in terms of the degree of time that you might be free of the hair.

Generally, unwanted hair might start growing back within several weeks time so like waxing, sugaring is something that you’ll have to do regularly to continue to have hair-free skin.

Some people choose to create their own sugar product at home from a recipe rather than buying it from a store but there are commercially available products available if you’re not into creating one yourself.

Basically, you take a suitable amount of the sugar and press it against the skin to be treated and then cover the sugar with a cloth or paper strip similar to what you’d use for waxing.

You then quickly remove the strip in the opposite direction of the hair growth in a similar fashion to a wax strip to remove the hair. You repeat the process until the unwanted hair is removed.

As with other hair removal options the results and side effects from sugaring hair removal will vary by person. Certain body parts shouldn’t be treated and some body parts are best treated by a professional.

Temporary and permanent hair removal technology is evolving constantly and is relevant to both men and women who want to remove unwanted hair.

Laser Hair Removal

Unwanted hairs or hairs in unwanted places can be a real source of heartache for anyone. Hair growth on the body generally differs from person to person for several reasons, but what seems to bring everybody together, as far as unwanted hair growth is concern, is that everybody wants the most effective way to get rid of these hairs with minimum pain and price.

There are several hair removal processes and each comes with its successes and side effects. Electrolysis and shaving seems to be the oldest hair removal procedures. Unlike shaving, electrolysis seems to be more painful, tends to damage the skin, especially delicate skin and the rate at which the hairs grow back is another concern. Shaving is a far more acceptable hair removal procedure. In most cases, men content themselves with good shavers and it tends to be effective.

The epilator is a more technologically advanced hair removal product and it is especially good for delicate skins. That explains why it is preferred by ladies. They always come in a handy, compact size, easy to carry and removes hair from the root with much less pain compared to other hair removal methods.

When a permanent hair removal product is what you want, then the laser hair removal process is probably what you need. How does it work? The laser beam to be used for the hair removal is directed at the area to be treated. The dark pigments of the hair follicle absorb the light energy from the laser. As the follicular pigment absorbs more and more of this light energy, the follicle dies. So, it cannot grow hairs again.

However, your skin texture and hair color also determine your success with laser hair removal procedures. It is generally believed that the process works best for people whose hair color is darker than their skin color and work less in people with very light or fair skin. However, laser hair treatment is available for a wide array of needs, from a small area of upper lip hair removal for women to full body back hair removal for men.

There are different types of laser hair removal, so no general limitation can be placed on your eligibility or otherwise for the procedure. If you are interested in the procedure, you can always find out from your local laser clinic, what their services are and which process is applicable to you.

Besides, your skin and hair color, not having undergone a tanning session or having applied any other mode of hair removal are factors that could determine the success of hair removal treatment with a laser.

Most people who have undergone laser hair removal treatment generally have had very little to complain about, but you never can tell. You should expect some blistering or reddening of the skin after a laser removal treatment, though it is always short lived and not much cause for concern. You should also expect some dark spots and bumps formed by the death and scarring of the follicles by the light energy of the laser beam. This too will fade out in no time.

One last thing you should have in mind when contemplating laser hair removal treatment is that it is not a completely permanent treatment. Though, it keeps the hair at bay for a longer period of time compared to other hair removal processes, after some time, you should expect a re-growth of some hair, though this might be fairer or thinner and less worrisome.

Price is a factor to think about when contemplating laser hair removal treatment, but if you are sure it is what you want, the price should not be a problem, as long as you can afford it. Depending on the treatment type and the specialist involved, the prices generally range from a few hundred bucks to a couple of grand. Again, if it’s what you want, the price is no problem.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Hair Removal For A Man

Hair Removal For A Man may sound very odd. I mean we always picture men with beard and moustache and hairy bodies. Not any more! The smooth, shiny and clean man is the new fashion icon. You will never find a ‘hairy’ body builder nor will you ever see the man in the underwear advertisement as anything but clean and smooth. Hair Removal For A Man! Yes, it’s here to stay.

Health, fitness and bodybuilding have primarily remained the top three concerns of any man trying to look good. With ’smooth skin’ being added to this list, Hair Removal For A Man is something no body conscious male can ignore. So, welcome to the world of wax, depilatory creams and sugar pastes.

Hair Removal For A Man could include all the options that a woman normally has. He could wax, (well, you can already see that face twitch with pain), or sugar (Oh! dear! That pains too!) Or shave (at least that is something they are familiar with). And if you are really required to look smooth all the time, go for electrolysis or a laser treatment.

Waxing may not be the ideal method of Hair Removal For A Man. Applying a sticky messy solution on those hairy legs and pulling them away with strips of clothes in the direction opposite to that of your hair growth definitely sounds painful. More so when you think of the large amount of hair men have on their bodies. Lets check out the other options of Hair Removal For A Man.

Sugaring is very similar to waxing and can be considered only for men of the tolerating kind. Here the only difference is that instead of wax, one uses a sugar paste (I guess, men had rather eat them!). Shaving is a good option of Hair Removal For A Man. However, it would only make them pokier as lovers with all that stubble and rough skin. We can narrow down Hair Removal For A Man to Lasers and Electrolysis.

If you are man enough and are not scared of needles, go for Electrolysis. They may be the ideal answer to Hair Removal For Man. Electrolysis involves destroying the hair follicles when they are at the peak of their growing cycle. That sounds more exciting, doesn’t it? But wait till you listen to how one does it? Well, they will pierce needles into your hair follicles and sent electric currents right to the root of your problem. Of course, in the process a non-sterile needle could give you AIDS or you could get yourself electrocuted if your technician is a novice.

The last option of Hair Removal For A Man is the Laser. Similar to electrolysis, laser treatment uses laser beams instead of electricity to pulse through your skin and kill those follicles. They are cheaper than Electrolysis. Permanent options are better for Hair Removal For A Man though they are expensive and time consuming. But if you are looking for short-term answers, go for the regular creams, wax and razors.

Hair Removal Shaving and Depilatories

Hair removal is considered by most people as a “cosmetic” issue. But aside from common belief, hair removal can often come as a medical requirement for cases like general surgery, skin graft procedures, ingrown hairs, especially eyelashes and a variety of other conditions. More often than not, changes in the patterns of hair growth are symptoms of serious conditions like glucose intolerance or hormonal imbalances.

Most cultures have an ideal amount of hair for males and females. Usually, hair that exceeds this ‘aesthetic standard’ causes problems, whether perceived or real, with a person’s acceptance by society. Therefore, controlling the growth or removing the unwanted hair goes further than being a simple “cosmetic” issue.

Methods Of Hair Removal - Temporary Methods

Hair can be removed through either depilation, which is the removal of part of the hair above the skin’s surface, or by epilating, which is the removal of the whole hair. For many clients, using these temporary methods at regular intervals is adequate.

Shaving - This method is the most preferred way for removing hair. This is because it is very affordable, easy, fast, painless and has minimal side effects. Shaving is very safe and can be done at home or almost anywhere. The downside is that it doesn’t last for long. In shaving, a sharpened metal blade or razor cuts off the hair at the skin’s surface. The effects of shaving are very short-term, ranging from a few hours to several days. People with darkly pigmented hairs may have a visible “shadow” of dark hair under their skin. This often requires daily removal. Shaving can also result in skin irritation and cuts. For a few, it is known to cause ingrown hairs especially in the bikini area of women and facial hairs of African-American men. Also, shaving blades require regular replacement. A good shave also needs other products such as shaving creams, gels and before and after-shave products. Blades also differ. There are blades with non-disposable handles that use replaceable blade cartridges. There are also disposable razors designed to be thrown out after a number of uses or when the blade gets dull. A safety razor is a double-bladed razor intended to reduce the possibility of nicks or cuts. The myth that shaving makes the hair grow thicker or faster has been busted in 1928 yet continues to persist until today.

Cream depilatory - Another way of removing hair is by using cream depilatories. This method is quite common but not as popular as shaving. This is because a number of its consumers say that it can cause mild to serious skin irritation and even chemical burns. With this method, the cream contains a chemical that is designed to dissolve the hair it comes in contact with. Cream depilatories are inexpensive and fast. They are often painless, although some may result in a mild tingling or burning sensation. Depilation can be done at home or anywhere. Its disadvantages are like those of shaving. The effects are short term, ranging from a few hours to several days and can also result in the dark ’shadow’ of hair under the skin. The procedure often requires repetition every couple of days or so. These products also cause cuts and irritations and which can be severe if mistakenly applied on the eye area or other mucous membranes.

Unwanted Facial Hair

Facial hair may be unappealing, as well as a source of self-consciousness. However, you can remove it easily using a couple of methods. This guide will assist you in removing facial hair and making your face feel silky smooth.

Shave the hair. An effective, but temporary way of removing facial hair is using a razor. This isn't a good method for women, because when the hair grows back, it will be thicker than before. Men prefer this method of removing facial hair. Employ a new razor (a one-off or else electric). Use some shaving cream if possible. Follow the natural growth of your hair with the razor and drag it along your skin in a downward direction. Be sure that you pick up each hair on your face. Rinse your face well and your hair will disappear. This way only lasts one or two days so think about using longer-lasting methods to remove facial hair.

Pluck the hair. Consider plucking them if you have just a few hairs on your face. When women want to remove their eyebrow this what they generally do. There are a few types of treatments to remove facial hair but this is something that actually works. Use a pair of high quality tweezers that can firmly hold onto facial hair. Get a hold of the hair as close to the skin as you can and then pull! This is a much more time consuming way of getting rid of unwanted facial hair, but it lasts much longer.
Remove hair by waxing. Waxing is also a good way to remove unwanted facial hair. You can go to your local pharmacy and buy 'do-it-yourself' kits, or have it professionally done by a beautician. This new method of hair removal might cause you to experience more pain at first, but it is quicker and lasts longer. Put wax on the area that you want to remove the hair from, use enough pressure to make a good bond, then pull the wax away by starting at one end and tugging toward the other end. In order to ease the pain caused, force down your finger on the recently waxed region immediately after waxing it. Afterward there will be some temporary redness.

Stringing is an old, traditional facial hair removal method. You need to visit a beauty salon or spa to have it done unless you have been taught this method. To remove hair from eyebrows, cheeks, chin or lip, a beautician will use two strings to grab and pull the hairs out.

Laser hair removal is recommended for people seeking a permanent solution to unwanted facial hair. If you are willing to spend the extra cash, laser treatment will remove the hair right down at the follicles. The follicle will die, and that will be the end of your facial hair. When having facial hair removed, you should consider the time it will take, which could be at least three sessions. However, you will not need to deal with facial hair for a lifetime after an effective round of laser hair removal. There are special clinics that deal with facial electrolysis; this is where you want to go.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Men and Hair Removal Treatments

Metro sexuality is becoming a trend amongst men of all ages and all professions. Every man wants to look well groomed as he thinks this adds that extra charm and enhances his sexual appeal. One of the best ways for a man to look well groomed is by removing his body hair i.e. from beard, chest, legs, arms, etc. Though the rough and tough look of a man has a charm of its own but the clean and smooth look makes the fairer sex go crazy over a man.

The most common worry for a man is the unwanted growth of hair on his chest. Even the look of hair bulging from the shirt is a very embarrassing moment for any man. So I will discuss the best hair removal methods for a man.

1. Shaving
Shaving is the most easy and fast method to get rid of the unwanted hair on your chest. Apply some cream to your chest and let the hair become moist for a minute. Now just apply the razor and shave off the unwanted hair. Though this method is very easy but a lot of care has to be taken while performing this method as you might cut your skin, if you remain ignorant. Also, this method causes lot of irritation and may also make your skin look reddish after shaving. In that case, just apply some moisturizer to your chest and everything will be fine.

2. Waxing
The second method is Waxing, i.e. removal of hair by the applying hot liquid wax. Firstly, apply hot liquid wax to your chest cover it with a cloth. After it has cooled and formed a layer structure, peel it off in one swoop. I know it will be very itchy, but then you have to consider that you have eliminated wax, hair, root and all in one go. Many men prefer this treatment because it eliminates the hair from root, which might not be the case in shaving off the hair.

3. Laser Treatment
This FDA approved treatment is very effective in getting rid of unwanted hair. In Laser treatment, a laser beam is focused to kill the hair follicles, so that it stops the growth of hair. The result of this treatment may vary from individual to individual as factors like skin pigmentation, age and skin color are the base factors. This is an expensive treatment and has to be taken from an expert only, otherwise the results may not be desirable.

So, depending upon your requirements and your intention to get rid of unwanted hair, adopt either of the methods discussed above and see how heads turn up for you!

Is Laser Hair Removal Permanent?

Most people who have unwanted excess will seek methods or products designed to remove hair. One such method is Laser Hair Removal. With laser hair removal, lasers discharge a gentle beam of light that passes through the skin to the hair follicle where it is absorbed. The energy from the laser is converted into heat that vaporizes the hair follicle while leaving surrounding skin undamaged.

Laser hair removal is one of the best methods of removing hair. This hair removal technique eliminates 60 times the hair per treatment than electrolysis. This form of hair removal has been approved by the FDA as a permanent hair reduction technique because with multiple treatments it can eliminate hair on the right candidates for long periods of time, or even permanently in some cases.

Hair has three growth phases which include the active growth phase, regressive phase and resting phase. Laser treatment is so effective because it halts hair growth that is in the active growth phase. This allows the hair removal to last longer than any other method. According to The Mayo Clinic, -both men and women will find that 80% to 90% of hairs are greatly reduced and hair that does grow back is usually much finer and lighter in color after 4 to 6 laser hair removal treatments. The number of laser hair removal sessions needed to achieve these results can vary from person to person. It can depend on a number of factors that such as age, skin type, amount of hair, hair color, hair texture,etc.

When considering laser hair removal it is important to consider the following:

1.) 70% - 90% of the candidates will require a minimum of 4 to 6 laser hair removal treatments which are normally scheduled every 6 - 10 weeks. They will usually experience an 80% to 90% hair reduction. The treatments are needed in order to target all phases of hair growth. Depending on the skin type and hair color, a client may need further treatments. . Multiple sessions makes certain that all of the hairs receive treatment.

2.) Once all of the hair removal treatments are complete, clients may possibly need to return once or twice a year for a maintenance procedure. Hairs that may have been dormant during a previous laser hair removal session may have moved to the growth phase. This is where the need for multiple treatment sessions arises

Many patients report that maintenance treatments given once or twice a year are great for keeping hair growth reduced.

Other benefits of laser hair removal treatment include:

- In some cases, laser hair removal has resulted in permanent removal of unwanted hair. Statistics show that for many people targeted hair can be permanently removed after 6 months of treatments. - The hair can be removed from such areas as the back, arms, legs, chin, etc. Laser hair removal is an effective treatment for ingrown hairs. - The process is much shorter than methods such as electrolysis. - The laser procedure is almost painless. Some patients have experienced minor soreness, but as it compares to other hair removal methods and products, laser hair removal is less painful pain.

Because of its many benefits, Laser hair removal quickly becoming a popular choice for people who want to remove unwanted hair. If you are considering laser hair removal, you should consult with a laser treatment practitioner to learn the advantages of the technique and what you need to know before undergoing the treatment.

About the Author:

Understand about Laser Hair Removal

Talking about hair removal, one of the most useful is laser hair removal. This sort of hair removal was introduced to public since 1997 by the Food Drug and Administration. There are many people who choose to attain this method since it proven to be fast and great in removing the unsightly hairs. Epilation and the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) epilators are two major type of laser hair removal.

Before it was commercially obtainable to the public in the 1990s, Epilation by laser was practiced for about 20 years experimentally. Different with Epilation method, the Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) epilators implements xenon flash lamps that emit a full spectrum of light instead of making use of laser. Frequently, hair removal based on laser as well as light manner is referred to as photoepilation or as photrotrichyosis. However, those types of methods are commonly referred to as laser hair removal recently. Since it is accepted in the dermatology community, it becomes so famous.

How does it work?

Objecting the hair follicle and then directing the laser ray at the hair follicle’s root is the process of removing the unsightly hair. The hair removal process starts when the laser beam locates the hair follicle that it is pointing by first obtaining the melanin that is the dark color of the hair. Some of sessions of laser hair removal is dependent on several things. They are your skin color, the area of which you had it performed, your gender, and coarsen of your hair.

Due to there are three phases of skin growth, laser treatments can only affect the unsightly hairs. Thus, there will need to be some sessions to effectively kill hair in all phases of skin growth. It’s valuable to expect anywhere between at least three to eight sessions to obtain the most out of your laser hair removal experience. The easiest to treat are coarse hair and light skin, and finer hair and darker skin will need more sessions because they are harder to treat.

Furthermore, you may need to think about that laser hair removal may not work well to every type of people. If you have a fine hair or light hair, this method may not work well. Furthermore, the laser hair removal price is quite expensive. To have your hair completely removed, you need to follow between three to twelve weeks between sessions. The result obtained per session and the typical of a person will influence the overall spacing.

Furthermore, the spacing of the spacing is also affected by the area treated, the body part, as well as the hair cycles. In doing the laser hair removal, make certain that you do it with a very qualified professional as this can purpose you some health risks.

Thus, does the above-mentioned information still not satisfy your need in knowing about laser hair removal? Explore more the suitable information herein!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Hair Removal

As you browse the aisles of your local drugstore, you may feel a little dizzy. Next to the dozens of products devoted to making the hair on your head thicker or shinier, you’ll see dozens more promising to get rid of unwanted hair. So which hair removal methods work best? And do you need any of them?
Different Types of Hair

Before removing hair, it helps to know about the different types of hair on our bodies. All hair is made of keratin, a hard protein that's also found in your fingernails and toenails. Hair growth begins beneath the surface of your skin at a hair root inside a hair follicle, a small tube in the skin.

You have two types of hair on your body. Vellus hair is soft, fine, and short. Most women have vellus hair on their chest, back, and face. It can be darker and more noticeable in some women than others, especially those with darker complexions. Vellus hair helps the body maintain a steady temperature by providing some insulation.

Terminal hair is coarser, darker, and longer than vellus hair. It's the type of hair that grows on your head. Around puberty, terminal hair starts to grow in the armpits and pubic region. On guys, terminal hair begins to grow on the face and other parts of the body such as the chest, legs, and back. Terminal hair is there to provide cushioning and protection.

In some cases, excess hair growth, called hirsutism (pronounced: hur-soo-tih-zum), may be the result of certain medical conditions. In girls, polycystic ovary syndrome and other hormonal disorders can cause dark, coarse hair to grow on the face, especially the upper lip and chin, as well as on the chest, belly, and back. Some medications, like anabolic steroids, also can cause hirsutism.