Friday, July 3, 2009

Home Hair Removal Techniques

If you are amongst the millions of men and women who want to get rid of hair from places where you wished it was not, but you do not want to pay thousands of dollars to hair removal professionals, take heart! There are a number of home hair removal methods that are easy to do and relatively affordable. Read on for a look at some of the more popular home hair removal techniques that you might like to try out yourself.

Shaving Tips for Men

Men who desire a smoother shave would do well to shave in the shower as this softens up the hair. It does not matter if you shave using a cream or gel as it is the way you use it that counts. When putting the cream or gel on the face, lightly rub it onto the skin so that the hairs are lifted up, making it easier for you to cut them. Single blade razors shave better than double or triple blade razors. Never use a razor whose blade is dull. To shave, move the razor in the same way that the hair is growing during the initial or subsequent passes. Next, shave against the hair growth. Use cool water to rinse off the face after shaving. Lightly pat the shaved area dry but do not rub or wipe. Some men have to shave twice a day, but it is more common for men to shave only once.

Shaving for Women

Women should never use razors that are designed for men. Razors for women are made to fit the female areas better and provide the right shaving angle for the leg and under the arms. Shaving body hair is most effective at night when the hair follicles are not surrounded by tightly packed body fluids. Prior to shaving, wash the legs and underarms with warm water. Apply gel, shaving cream or hair conditioner. Take great care when you are shaving sensitive areas such as the bikini area. The panties you put on can cause irritation and bumps if there is shaving rash there. Be aware that if you decide to shave your face or mustache area, the hair will not be any thicker than it was before. It is more common for women to shave their underarms twice a week. The leg area is usually shaved weekly. Of course, the frequency of shaving depends upon the individual and how quickly their hair grows.

Tips for Tweezing

Ensure that your tweezers are washed in hot water or even better, alcohol, before you start. Tweezing is a body hair removal technique that is perfect if you want to shape your eyebrows or perhaps remove a couple of stray hairs on your face and chin. Never use tweezers to pull out nose hairs because you can get infection by doing so. Never put creams or moisturizers on your face before tweezing, because it can block or infect the pores and cause the tweezers to slip. Before pulling the hair with tweezers, put on a hot flannel onto the area for a couple of minutes to open the pores. When tweezing, pull the hair in the same way that it grows. The hair removed by tweezing does not come back until after a fortnight or so.

Depilatories Tips

Check for any allergic reaction by applying a modest dab to the area that you want to treat. Follow label directions and then wait twenty four hours before doing the entire area. Depilatories work better after a bath when the hair is soft and your pores are open. Stick To label instructions precisely and keep a timer to hand so you do not keep the product on for too long. Hold off if you have a rash, open wounds, insect bites or acne blemishes in the area you are planning on treating. Most women apply depilatories a couple of times a month although that frequency depends upon how rapidly your hair grows back.
How To Naturally Regrow Lost Hair Click Here!

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